Tuesday, January 19, 2010


During the next several weeks we will read, study, discuss, and write about several classics, current events, and literary/historical figures. Synthesizing will be a critical part of AP Language as we seek to make connections between a variety of sources.

To foster this process, I'm creating a site where students may share interesting articles, stories, essays, and other literary "gems" they discover on their own. When you discover such a gem, post the link on this site along with a brief description of the piece you find. For example, I gave you copies of both Nancy Gibbs' essay, "The Loneliest Job," and Tom Roberts' essay, "Talking to Strangers." Each of these essays deals with a current issue that may "give you something to say" when relating to other works of literature or developing your own position about relevant issues. To become a better reader, writer, speaker, and critical thinker, you must READ, READ, READ! You will also be creating some of your own synthesis questions, which will require at least six sources. So let the sharing begin. . .